Zoom Gatherings
During Covid we have been gathering on Zoom. We hold one gathering per month from 2:00 pm to 3:45 pm and people sometimes visit until 4:00 pm. Please see our calendar for dates and links. We invite individuals to join as our guest for their first time for free. If you plan on coming, please be in touch with our director (director@sacredwebsingers.ca) so she knows to admit you to the gathering.
Gathering in-Person
When we meet in-person, we typically meet once per month in the afternoon from September through June on the 3rd Sunday of each month. In months when there is a 5th Sunday, we hold a second gathering. See this page to find out where we practice.
While we do learn music and practice songs at Sacred Web Singers’ gatherings, our gatherings take us deeper into singing and ourselves. Each gathering has a theme, a centerpiece, and a ritual surrounding the theme that help us to go deeper in our connection to the music and to the meaning that is shared in the songs. The 5- to 10-minute ritual usually includes a reflective reading. We also share refreshments and finger-food afterwards, which gives us time to deepen our connections with each other.
2018 September Gathering
We wore orange shirts and other orange items in recognition of Orange Shirt Day (OSD) because we recognize that “Every Child Matters.” OSD “is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in the spring of 2013. It grew out of Phyllis’ story of having her shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first day of school at the Mission, and it has become an opportunity to keep the discussion on all aspects of residential schools happening annually” (www.orangeshirtday.org).
2015 June Gathering
Photos by Chris Mann
Seasons, Singing, and Socials
We have a Winter Season gathering at a member’s home, and a Summer Social as well. We also hold a 2-night retreat every 2 years at the Edenvale Retreat Centre in Abbotsford.
2015 Winter Social
2012 Winter Social
Photos by Margaret Scott-Peters and Chris Mann
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