Carolyn McDade’s final program online (Apr 5-6)

from Nancy Steeves


Dear Friends …

As many of you may know, the final program circle with Carolyn McDade is being hosted in Edmonton on April 5 and 6 … While many are unable to travel here to be with us, we’d like to invite your presence in the circle online.  We will be livestreaming the program on Friday evening from 7-9PM MST and Saturday morning from 9AM -Noon MST.

We ask you circulate this email to the contacts from your list or women in your circles that might be interested in tuning in.

You can connect with us in real time via Facebook:
1. on a mobile device with the FB app, search ssucedmonton, choose “videos” from menu at the top, then select “live”

2. on a computer go to and select “videos” from the menu on the left side


You can connect to us in real time via the website for SSUC (Southminster-Steinhauer United Church) on your mobile device or computer:

1. go to, scroll down and click the button on the home page for 
“ssuc live”

If you are unable to connect with us in real time, the video of the gatherings will be available from the ssucedmonton FB-page for you to view immediately following and will be posted on the website later in the week following the circle.

as we are “singing our way home” …