Norma Luccock Music Workshop, Saturday 15 February 2020

A unique opportunity: Learn Norma Luccock’s music directly from the composer!

Date:   Saturday February 15, 2020
Time:   1:00-5:00 pm (arrivals 12:30 onward)
Location:   Salvation Army Cariboo Hill Temple, 7195 Cariboo Road, Burnaby BC

To Register:  Please contact Joanie asap to help us with planning (
Cost:  $40/person, full payment by February 1st, no refunds after February 1st
Payment: Send eTransfer to OR
cheque made out to Joanie Wolfe and post to 7-1300 Ioco Rd, Port Moody, BC   V3H 5B2

Who is invited:  anyone from Sacred Web Singers Vancouver and/or Vancouver Island–plus anyone who would like to sing/learn Norma’s songs.  She has composed quite a few new ones.

More details will be sent to registrants 1 week before the workshop.