Summer Sing and Social: (next) Sunday July 24th 2:30pm
at The Wolfe’s Den (in Ioco/Port Moody, BC)
Dear Friends,
It’s been so long since I sent the initial invite, I thought I would send a gentle reminder. Details about the day are below–if you are able to make it and you haven’t already let me know, do send me a message.
Looking forward to our day together!
- Arrivals at 2:30 (via car or boat–there is a dock and wharf for tie-up).
Or if you’d like to lounge ahead of time on the grass, beach, or even have a swim, feel free to come at 1 pm–and of course bring whatever you need–towels, swimsuits, canoes, kayaks, dinghies–on a sunny day the water is warm! 🙂 - We’ll sing at 3! — so bring your voices and music, and any instruments you’d like.
- Bring in your cooler with one of your favourite dishes to share–dinner will be at 6-ish.
Last year a few previous members of SWS Vancouver joined us and it was a beautifully sunny day. Some went for a swim, we sat under the trees down by the water, had a great time visiting, a lovely dinner, and a wonderful sing as well! It was truly a great day!
Hope to see you Sunday–Happy Summer!