This is our first official message to you–our SWS email-list subscriber–Welcome!! We are happy to have our new email-list and website ( ) up and running!
We thought we would open with letting you know about two helpful features on our website:
- our Calendar, where you can look up the dates and locations of events, such as our gatherings and performances. For example, when you go to our Calendar page, you will see our first gathering of the year is scheduled on Sunday, September 20th.
- Recent News, which (as of this post) is now located in the website’s footer at the bottom of each page along with a list-view of Upcoming Events.
As a subscriber, in the future you can look forward to receiving messages about upcoming Sacred Web events, including Carolyn’s programs, Norma’s workshops, etc. Events such as these will be entered into the calendar as well.
Any input/suggestions you would like to share are gratefully appreciated. Thank you for subscribing!