Hello Wonderful Friends of the Sacred Web!
It’s my pleasure to announce another upcoming Zoom gathering with Carolyn, “Singing for Trees,” September 16, 11:00am Pacific Time.
Also a tribute to Joan Tinkess who passed away earlier this month (below). I had the honour of meeting Joan and Mary and sharing energy with them each day when we were recording Widening Embrace in Banff–truly two amazing women.
Since the last zoom, we have lost our beloved Joan Tinkess to the greater universe….She remains in our hearts and will always be part of this great cosmic story as her energy moves onward, transformed and illuminated….She gave so much to this earth and its people and beings during her time here…we were blessed to have her in our circles and lives, to have worked and played with her, to have called her dear one….
As always, if you would like to attend this gathering and you haven’t asked to be on my wider-SacredWeb maillist, please email me at joanie.wolfe@gmail.com. In case you’re not sure whether you are on that maillist, if you’re already on it you would have received a message from me about 1 hour before this post. Nevertheless, do email me if you’re unsure.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer–and I hope to see you on Zoom!
with heart and thanks,