Dear Friends of the Sacred Web,
Zooms with Carolyn and the wider-SacredWeb were held regularly throughout covid. Most recently, we have been singing some of Carolyn’s older “rediscovered” songs as those recordings have been notated by Marian Shatto and recorded by Janet Hood and Mary Casey.
This day will be one of singing some of those older songs along with others that we carry with us in our hearts.
The event is on Saturday, September 24th, 2022 at 12-noon Pacific time.
If you wish to attend, I need to add your email address my Wider-SW maillist. So if you haven’t contacted me since the beginning of covid and these Zooms, please send me a message ( at least a few days before this event and I will send the Zoom link and accompanying info to you a few days before the event. (If you did contact me previously about attending these Zooms, you will still be on my maillist.)
with heart and thanks,