Winter Social Dec 5 on Zoom

Hello Everyone!
SWS is Zooming this Sunday December 5, 2021 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm for our last gathering in 2021–our Winter Social–to celebrate the season with some beautiful songs.
Please dress festively and bring a mug of good cheer! We begin at 2:00 pm. The Zoom link with be open at 1:30 for anyone who would like to come and visit ahead of our gathering.
Those who have sung with Carolyn McDade or Norma Luccock at one time or another are welcome.  If you are going to be joining us and you don’t have the music, please email Joanie and ask her to send it to you ( pwd=amJaQjQ1amhtK0hBQnlGUkttWHN5QT09

Looking forward to seeing those who can make it!  And for those who can’t join us, our best of the holiday season to you and for the coming year!